Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Concept of Techinnova Use of Modern Robotic Technology

Question: Discuss about the New Business Concept of Techinnova. Answer: Introduction: Techinnova is an organization is a small organizations established in Brisbane, which is a developer of some innovative gadgets with the use of artificial intelligence. The main production line of the company is the innovative gadgets for the kids. The toys developed by the company are very attractive with the use of modern technology and AI for the interactive environment. The concept behind the development of these gadgets is the robotics. Currently, the company is focusing more on the area of the robotics technology. The company is growing their business and now they want to develop robots for helping the people in different ways. Objective and Methodology: The new concept of making the robots for using in the daily life is not a new concept. Since many years the RD activities is going on this field. Many of the technical organizations have launched successfully the robots for different purposes. In case of the robot development initiative taken by Techinnova, the extended use of AI would be used. Before starting the development of the robots, the company need to understand the various types of uses and the pros and corns associated with the robotics. The main focus of the company is on the development of the domestic or family robots that can be sued in the household activities of the common people. Report Outline: In this present report, the basic details regarding the robots and robotics would be gathered and analyzed for the clear understanding of the technology. The areas, where the use of robotics would be applied, would be analyzed in this report for understanding the future development of Techinnova. After gathering the basic and background details of the technology, the present market conditions and the competitor analysis would be done in this report. After that the company would be able to understand the present market opportunities of the robot development. At the end of this report, the conclusion would be drawn from the findings of the study and then some recommendations would be given for the future expansion of the business based on robotics technology. Definitions of Robotics: The term robot is derived from a Czech word, which means worker or servant. As per the definition provided by Fagen (2015), robot can be any machine, which is a multifunctional and reprogrammable manipulator that can be used in various types of works through the use of programming and specialized devices. Computerized reasoning (AI) is the knowledge of machines and the branch of software engineering that expects to make it. Course readings characterize the field as "the review and plan of astute operators," where a canny specialist is a framework that sees its condition and takes activities that expand its risks of achievement. John McCarthy, who begat the term in 1956, characterizes it as "the science and designing of making savvy machines (Haasdijk et al. 2014). The field was established on the claim that a focal property of people, knowledge the insight fullness of Homo sapiens-can be so absolutely portrayed that it can be mimicked by a machine. This raises philosophical issues ab out the way of the brain and cutoff points of logical hubris, issues which have been tended to by myth, fiction and reasoning since artifact. Man-made brainpower has been the subject of confidence yet has likewise endured difficulties and, today, has turned into a basic piece of the innovation business, giving the hard work to huge numbers of the most troublesome issues in software engineering. AI research is exceedingly specialized and concentrated, profoundly separated into subfields that frequently neglect to speak with each other. Subfields have grown up around specific organizations, the work of individual specialists, the arrangement of particular issues, longstanding contrasts of feeling about how AI ought to be done and the use of broadly varying instruments (Kehoe et al. 2015). The focal issues of AI incorporate such characteristics as thinking, information, arranging, learning, correspondence, recognition and the capacity to move and control objects. General insight (or "s olid AI") is as yet a long haul objective of (a few) investigation and analysis. Different types of use of the robots and advantages of robotics: The robots can go far down into the obscure spots where the people would be pulverized , These can give us the data that the people can't get , These can work at spots day in and day out with no compensation and sustenance , Plus these don't get exhausted . The robots can play out the assignments speedier than the people and considerably more reliably and precisely, these turn out to be more typical every last day, the automated pets can help the patients with despondency and these keep them dynamic. A large portion of robots are programmed so , these can move with no human impedance , These can engage us and these can help us in specific undertakings , You can send them to hazardous condition, for example, the remote ocean or the battle regions (Addinall, Ackermann and Kolaric 2015). These can be used to create the items in the manufacturing plants, for example, amassing the autos, these can likewise be utilized to assemble the parts for some items, for example, the plane parts, the auto parts and the development supplies. The robots do anything which we should be exact , precise , New occupations are made in light of the fact that the general population need to settle and plan the robots , The robots can work without rest , So these can work day in and day out/365. The robots can persevere through the threatening condition of the interplanetary space, these are made that the planetary climates don't influence their physical state and execution, these can supplant the people in numerous regions of work, these can bear more prominent duties and these can be modified to oversee themselves. The robots can be customized to achieve the Earth's nadirs , These can be utilized to burrow for the fills, These can be utilized for mining purposes , These can be tackled for investigating the profundities of seas , These can be utilized to beat the confinements that people have . The robots can be utilized as a part of completing the monotonous and tedious assignments profi ciently, these are utilized to do unsafe undertakings, these can modify their parameters like their speed and time, and these can act rapidly, unaffected by the variables that influence the people. The robots don't require to rest or take breaks, these can work without halting, when utilized to complete risky errands, the hazard to the human wellbeing and security is diminished, these can work long time without administration or upkeep, and these can be more painful than the general population (Grieco et al. 2014). The robots cannot tremble or shake as the human hands do, these can have considerably littler and adaptable moving parts than the general population, these have played out the therapeutic surgeries since these can be speedier and more exact than the general population. The robots are intended to work in the brutal conditions like in the space, without the air, submerged and in the fire, these can be utilized rather than the general population when the human security is a worry, these can come in any size, whatever size required for any assignment can be made. The robots can carry out the occupations that the general population are unwilling to do , numerous automated tests have been sent all through the nearby planetary group to stay away forever back to Earth , These can be more grounded than the general population , The robots in the fighting wipe out putting more individuals at hazard (Deepika 2015). Use of domestic or family robots: The residential/family robot comes in various sorts and fills various needs these extend from automated movers, mechanical vacuum cleaners, mechanical pool cleaners, toys, and floor washing robots. Household robots of these sorts must be setup appropriately to play out their occupations. When assembled accurately these robots will be extremely dependable and will require a little measure of human impedance to work effectively. Be that as it may, some local robots require a considerable measure of inclusion from individuals, for example, the vacuum cleaner. Organizations are continually searching for approaches to confine the measure of association that individuals have with household robots (Fuente et al. 2014). A local robot or some likeness thereof can be found in practically every family on the planet. Some residential robots are furnished with a clock so it stops itself when complete with an assignment. Local robots are on the verge to assume control over the family obligations. We utilize these sorts of robots to help with tasks around the house, entertainment, and for instructive purposes. We additionally buy this kind of robots for our kids and love ones. Local robots will one day take of the duties of a servant making life less demanding for families. Residential robots have been gradually setting themselves in place to assume control over every one of the obligations around the family unit. Every year, robots are entering residential conditions in expanding number. By 2012, it's assessed that 7.8 million robots will be in household settings (Horowitz 2014). These robots are expected to help with family unit errands, go about as home wellbeing helps, and fill in as allies and performers for individuals. In any case, in light of the fact that the fields of local apply autonomy is birthed from modern mechanical technology, a significant number of these robots in the home still look and carry on like these have a place in a processing plant. Their intellig ent styles are regularly not appropriate toward the wide assortment of home clients that exist. Residential robots will soon have the capacity to assist with all the family obligations. These robots have been around for a considerable length of time and every year these turn out to be more progress in their operational purposes (Khaldi and Cherif 2015). These will soon have the capacity to help the elderly around the house. Challenges of robotics: The robots needs a supply of influence , The general population can lose employments in the production lines , These require the support to keep them running , It costs a great deal of cash to make or purchase the robots , The product and the hardware that you have to use with the robot cost much cash. The robots can replace numerous people in the production lines , So , the general population need to discover new occupations or be retrained , These can replace the people in a few circumstances , If the robots start to supplant the people in each field , These will prompt unemployment (Murphy 2014). The robots cost much cash in the upkeep and repair, the projects should be refreshed to suit the changing prerequisites, and the machines should be made more brilliant, in the event of the breakdown, the cost of repair might be high, the methods to reestablish lost code or information might be tedious and exorbitant (Melorose, Perroy and Careas 2015). The robots can store a lot of informa tion yet the capacity, get to, and recovery is not as successful as the human mind, these can play out the redundant assignments for long however these don't show signs of improvement with experience, for example, the people do. The robots are not ready to act any not the same as what these are customized to do, with the overwhelming utilization of robots , the people may turn out to be excessively reliant on the machines, losing their mental limits, If the control of robots goes in the wrong hands , it might bring about the demolition (Ramharuk and Osunmakinde 2014). The robots are not wise or conscious, these can never enhance the consequences of their occupations outside of their predefined programming, these don't think, these don't have feelings or soul; this points of confinement how the robots can assist and collaborate with individuals. Conclusion: While concluding the findings of this report, it can be said that the utilization of Robotic Technology has had a prompt effect on the world in a few ways. Automated innovation is advancing quickly into the 21st century. The benefits of utilizing apply autonomy have been comprehended where they have turned into a piece of our regular events and regular daily existences. Automated innovation can be found in stores, doctor's facilities, homes, the work put, and on the front line. Mechanical technology is regularly used to do tasks that could be proficient by people. At the end of the day, there are many reasons why robots might be superior to people in playing out specific errands. We utilize robots since they are quicker than people at completing undertakings. Robots can likewise work in conditions that would be a peril to people. Robots can withstand a more noteworthy measure of warmth, radiation, concoction exhaust, and different perils that people can't. They can perform monotonous errands that may end up plainly exhausting to people. Apply autonomy offers productivity in which they can finish work without sitting idle and exertion, vitality, or materials. Furthermore, mechanical technology offers precision for collecting parts and performing complex methodology. Moreover mechanical offers versatility in having the capacity to achieve more than one assignment. Mechanical advancements give the world distinctive uses and helpful approaches to finish an assortment of employments. With the advances in automated innovation we have discovered approaches to make our life more advantageous, ensure lives, increment item yield, and research. Recommendations: Techinnova has a good future in the development of the domestic robots. The local market of Brisbane doesnt have any big competitors in the same area, where Techinnova is focusing now. In order to get the desired level of success in the development and marketing of the domestic robots, the company should focus in the following areas: Detailed analysis of the target market: Just like any other business, Techinnova should understand the target market and the demand of the target market regarding the domestic robots. Based on the target market analysis, the company should built the robots in such a way those can fulfill the requirements of the target customers. Therefore, a detailed market analysis is required for the company. Development of the robots in a cheaper rate: At the beginning level of the robot development, the company should develop the robots in a cheaper rate. This may improve the publicity and brand image of the company. Good design of the human robot interface: The efficient use of the artificial intelligence for developing fantastic human-robot interface is the main requirement of the business of advance domestic robots. References: Addinall, R., Ackermann, T. and Kolaric, I. 2015, Soft Robotics, Soft Robotics, available at: Calo, R. 2015, Robotics and the Lessons of Cyberlaw., California Law Review, Vol. 103 No. 3, pp. 513563. Chao, H., Gu, Y. and Napolitano, M. 2014, A survey of optical flow techniques for robotics navigation applications, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, Vol. 73 No. 14, pp. 361372. Deepika, R. 2015, Agricultural robotics, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10 No. 55, pp. 43024305. Eguchi, A. 2014, Robotics as a Learning Tool for Educational Transformation, International Workshop Teaching Robotics, Teaching with Robotics International Conference Robotics in Education, pp. 2734. 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